Monday, October 13, 2008

Athlete of the Week - Zach Tennant

The AotW for Oct. 13-19 is Zach Tennant of North Marion High School. His 16:34 at the Times Invitational is on par with many of the performances on that course by past dominant state champions. Zach is a regular here on AotW and the 2008 1600m AAA State Champion. David Ciarolla just missed out on AotW with holding the unfortunate position of being one of the fastest runner-ups (16:39) in Times history. Both of these guys beat what I consider my 2nd best high school cross race (17:16 at Apple Valley for Regionals...don't laugh, it won) by a huge margin. With the number of great guy's performances in the state this year, fingers are crossed for a solid showing at Footlocker South and a crazy 2009 track season. One thing is certain, you better be ready to go way south of 16 minutes if you want to win AAA Boys.

(Photo Courtesy:
This week's 100% Guaranteed to win States:
AAA Boys: Zach Tennant
AAA Girls: Letitia Propst
AA-A Boys: Leonard Roach
AA-A Girls: Chelsea Callaway

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