Sunday, September 7, 2008

Athlete of the Week - Letitia Propst

The AotW for the week of Sept. 8th-14th is Letitia Propst of Elkins High School. Letitia earned this via her defense of the WV pre-state meet. Lined up against an Ohio stud, Letitia protected our house and kicked her down. Ms. Propst won the 2007 WV State Cross Country Championships and is looking to repeat as a sophomore. She is currently the top ranked girl runner on's CC Rankings. (Photo courtesy

Because of the clamor on the message board for some subjective rankings to complain about, I'm starting a "Guaranteed State Meet Winner" section to the AotW. Each week I'll announce who W absolutely, 100% guarantees to win the State Meet. (If you did not catch the joke there, don't read any further...) Now, who will win the State Meet? I Guarantee it will be:

AAA Boys: Zach Tennant

AAA Girls: Ari Kasprowicz

A-AA Boys: Leonard Roach

A-AA Girls: Beverly Knight

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