Monday, April 13, 2009

Athlete of the Week - Jacob Burcham

The Athlete of the Week for April 13th-19th is Jacob Burcham of Barboursville Middle School. Mr. Burcham is an 8th grade student who ran 4:38.10 for 1600m last week. That should end up being one of the fastest times in the nation for an 8th grader in 2009. Jacob is coached by Pat Riley at BMS, who is leading one of the premier middle school programs in the state. Just missing out on this week's AotW were Amber Riley (Auburn), Alison Spiker (WVU) and Karly Hamric (WVU) who ran 10:38, 10:44 and 4:28 respectively.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awesome dude