Monday, January 19, 2009

Athlete of the Week - Kaylyn Christopher

Kaylyn Christopher earns top honors this week with her speedy win in the 1000m. at Penn State this past weekend. She took the lead early in the race, and pushed away from the pack to run 2:52 for her first collegiate win. The aggresive front running style is nothing new to those who have followed her career over the past couple of years. It was her trade mark in high school where she dominated the state for four years. Now's she just getting started on what will surely be a sensational indoor season. She will be an crucial component on the WVU DMR team, which has a chance to do some really amazing things this year. This is Kaylyn's first indoor season since entering WVU and it looks like she's going to make it a great one. Best of luck to her over the next couple of months.

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