As the victor of the 2009 Fantasy Track Extravaganza, Wes McKinney won an front page interview... let's see what he has to say!
What got you involved in running? Do you still play any other sports?Well, my cousin Tim ran at Preston High then later at West Virginia Wesleyan. I guess you could say he pushed me a little. Also, I've never been a great basketball player so I thought if I tried running I could be good at it. I do play basketball in a community league.
What is Coach Martin like to train under?Coach Martin makes running fun. He does tend to demand a lot, but that's to keep the tradition alive. Although he does demand a lot, he does it in a positive and encouragining way.
Can you give us an example of a bread-and-butter workout that he has you frequently do?In cross country, a common workout would be 90-60-30s (90 seconds hard, 90 seconds easy, 60 seconds hard, 60 seconds easy, 30 seconds hard, 30 seconds easy.) In track, probably a common workout is 10x400 or 10x4 good buddy.
What's the workout he gives that you dread the most?Nickels and dimes (3-1000s and 4-500s)
How has your weekly mileage changed through the years?As a freshman I was doing about 30 miles a week. As a sophomore and junior I upped the mileage to about 40 miles a week during the summer. Also, about halfway through my junior I begin to understand the importance of a long run. Finally, as a senior I begin to run 50 miles a week.
I noticed that you made a big break-through this year going to 10:20s in the 3200m and getting 32nd at State Cross. What do you think happened between your Junior and Senior year that allowed this to happen?I credit my breakthrough to the group of guys we have on our cross team. During the summer, it began as five of us pushing each other through every workout with Craig and Sterling being the leaders. As the season progressed we began to have other guys join in our workouts with us. Once again, Coach Martin also put the pressure on the seniors to lead the team back to states. So I think that was motivation as well.
What's your personal training regime like in the summer and winter breaks?In the summer, my training schedule is more precise because of the good weather. I just accumulate general base mileage until August rolls around. During the winter, it's a little tougher to get out and get good runs because of the harsh winter weather we experience in Preston County.
You were the #3 guy for Preston this year on the 4th place AAA team, how satisfying was it to create some more "Preston History" during your senior year?I wasn't always the #3 guy for Preston. Luke and Clint Bowman and I flipped-flopped between 3 and 5 all year. So having the Bowman brothers right on my hip took pressure off of me knowing I didn't have to the perfect race all the time and they would step into the 3 and 4 spots if I was off my game one day. As far as continuing the tradition, it felt great to get the so called monkey off our back. Because this year's team had only had one guy experience the state meet (Pritt), so to qualify was a relief to the other seniors.
Did you feel pressure following in the footsteps of the recent powerhouse Preston runners and teams?When you put on the Preston uniform you automatically feel pressured. Knowing the names of Ryan, Gemberling, Feather, and now Pritt is like now the names of Greek gods. Coach Martin told us one time that future runners at Preston won't know those first three guys like this senior class does. So it's our responsibility to make our own history.
Would you change anything about your years of running for the Knights?I wish we would've gone to states all three years I was on varsity. Other than that I wouldn't change a thing.
Any rivals from the past that you'd still like to get even with?Not really. Fairmont Senior and Preston have had some good battles for the conference crown here recently. I think that will continue on down the road.
If you could choose any girl in the state to go on a long run with, who would it be?Alex Dent
Any superstitions when you race?I have a few superstitions. I always wear the same socks for every race. I also put on my spikes in a certain sequence. I put on my left one first, then my right, then tie my right shoe, then my left.
You obviously had the inside scoop, picking Pritt and Kasprowicz for your fantasy team. What were they doing in practice that caused you to pick them?After watching Mr. Pritt at Gazettes in the 800. I knew he had a pretty good shot to win the 800. I also expected a strong showing from him in the 1600. As for Ari, I knew it was due time she became a state champ after coming so close at the State XC Meet.
I've read that you're headed to Concord this Fall with Pritt and Sterling Snyder. What swayed you to go to Concord? Any chance Concord will be changing its name to Preston High School, Southern Campus?Concord is in a nice quiet town like my hometown of Masontown or any other town in Preston County. I also see a lot of Coach Martin's personality in Coach Cox. From what I've seen at Concord, the academics are excellent and the atmosphere is great. I'll have to mention to Coach Cox about creating a pipeline from Kingwood to Athens.
Have you set any goals for your time at Concord?The main goal is to continue their running tradition. Concord has been in contention several times at the conference level and they've even won the conference crown in cross country twice since Coach Cox came to the school.
What are your summer plans to prepare yourself for this Fall?Well going from high school 5Ks to college 8Ks requires more training. I think that Sterling, Craig, and I are going to meet everyday possible to run together so we'll be able to push each other.